My view on the coming MCA EGM on 20th.Oct 2013
My view may not be accepted by certain group but being a life member of the Party I love I have to voice out my discontent in the hope that the leadership may take heed and mend their ways to rebuild the Party relevant to the Malaysian Chinese again.
In the first instance this coming EGM on the 20th.Oct 2013 to make amend should not come about had the leadership not made the fatal mistake in the tactical move of isolating itself from participating in the government machinery. It is futile to blame anyone in particular. The whole gang of the leadership from the President down to every committee members must bear responsibility.
Normally, in such situation, those responsible should by themselves voluntarily resign and make way for others. But this is not the case. Those responsible instead use the EGM as a weapon to defeat opposition and to entrench themselves. They have been successful using the EGM to gain control during the time of Ex-President Ong Tee Keat.
The delegate system of electing leaders to run the Party is the worst system. Delegates can be easily manipulated by any faction who can provide more benefit. This trend of manipulation is now more pronounced. It had seeped down to division level. I had observed this in the latest division election. This trend must stop. It is very very unhealthy. I only hope and pray delegates realize this danger and make the right decision in this coming EGM.
Leaders of the Party should realize it is their duty to re-organize and get the Party accepted by the Malaysian Chinese. In doing so they must now re-analyze the Malaysian Chinese psyche and human values so as to find the right direction to form policies acceptable to them. Thus, make the Party relevant again.
Dr. Chan
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