
MCA AGM-Devoidof ideas of value

 MCA AGM-Devoid of ideas of value.
The annual general assembly for the year 2012 held on 20thand 21stOct. had just completed.
Those who attended the annual general assembly were happy to have attended. It was the occasion of getting a free trip, free dinner, free lunch, free T-Shirt, and opportunity to meet old friends to exchange gossips.
Most of the attendees when inquired responded that they had not actually cared what the speakers had said. They said it was usual MCA annual general assembly that nothing much to learn from except the opportunity to socialise. They further said for this year the party had exhibited the devoid of ideas of value that could be used by members to motivate Chinese Malaysian to fully support the party in the coming 13th general election.
Many were of the opinion that this annual general assembly was in fact a platform for the election campaign. This is against the norm. Annual general assembly normally is for the party to review the activities of the past year, its achievements and its failures, debate on new issues, adopt new resolutions and to chart the course of action for the coming year.
Further, using the theme of the danger of Hudud which had been harped upon for years to create fear in the minds of the attendees with the hope it could be spread to the Chinese Malaysian community to regain support for the party, to me, was an ineffective move although everyone knows any party which controls the use of Hudud will have an edge over all others. The party controlling the Hudud cannot be removed by democratic means except by means of physical force such as uprising or revolt. What had happened in the middle-east countries was a good example.
Why I say it was an ineffective move? Events had taken place and statements issued by National Front members had indicated that not all within the Front rejected the implementation of Hudud in total. Can MCA being one of the 13 members in the Front guarantee the rejection of Hudud be effective?  
Everyone knows Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-religious country. It has a Parliament to run the country guided by the Constitution which is the supreme law of the country. Any change the Constitution needs to be amended to accommodate the change.
To amend the Constitution to accommodate Hudud or to replace the current secular laws a 2/3 majority in Parliament is needed. Any party with a simple majority cannot make any amendment to the Constitution. This fact alone dispels the fear of Hudud being implemented.
Therefore, Malaysians must understand and ensure that no party whether the ruling party or the opposition party be given to command 2/3 majority in Parliament if Malaysia needs to maintain its secular status. It will be a sad day if this balance is disturbed.
Dr. Chan


Think out of the box.

Think out of the box.

Fear not if you are labelled as ‘frog’ for you are not.  

Of late, a lot of corruption cases committed by the current ruling party had surfaced. They were digged up and exposed by the opposition with the intention to discredit the ruling party and to gain support from the public in the coming 13th general election. The opposition had even promised there would be more corruption cases to come for the public to digest. With such tactics the opposition hoped to influence the public to vote in their favour.

On the other hand, to counter the opposition, the ruling party had embarked into a series of strategies, such as, name-calling to ridicule the opposition members, giving out bribes to the public under the cover of legality to induce them to give their support, bonuses dished out to government employees to get their loyalty, and lucky-draws at free dinners to draw the crowd to their propaganda.  They even openly promised more goodies to come should they remain in power.

Queries of public interest from the opposition often went unanswered or replied with half truth or out-right lies through their controlled presses.  

As the 13th.general election is drawing nearer day by day and with these happenings intensifying the minds of the people are much affected. They now find it hard to decide with certainty which side to support. Whether to have a change of government or to allow the present government to continue ruling?

Sad to say many of my friends are now facing this situation. Some of them had been members and had supported the side of their choice. They had been all these 50 years given their support without question. But now having access to scores of information and are better informed, and now intend to change side with the hope of getting a better deal for their future, but feared to be labelled as ‘frog’.

My advice to them is to be brave to think out of the box. Understanding certain basic principles is important.

Our beloved country is a multi racial country which runs on a democratic system as indicated by its Constitution. That means it is a country of the people, rule by the people and for the people.

If any elected government does not follow this simple principle, not listening to the people, corrupted, and rule with unfairness, then they should be voted out and replaced.

On the other hand, if any party which intends to rule does not follow this principle then we should not give our support.

Can one who exercises his basic rights to support and to choose be labelled as ‘a frog’? I do not think so.
Dr. Chan

The Third Force

The Third Force


The fear:
Many local born Malaysian Chinese who are my friends are concerned with the current political situation. They feared the change of government might lead to some unrest that might affect their livelihood and the future. They requested me to give my views and outlook of the current political situation and if possible offer some suggestions as to how best they should act.

My observation:
I have observed most of the Malaysian Chinese intellectuals have lost hope of the future with the present government. At the same time they are unsure of the future should there be a change of government after the 13th. General Election. They are in the state of dilemma, not knowing what to do.

The paradigm shift:
Whether it is timely or untimely, there is a paradigm shift world-wide. Better access to information and better informed the people are now more articulate and more daring to speak up for their rights. Their demand is now shaping a new political landscape. For Malaysia it is of no exception.

We now have the formation of an extra political team known as the Pakatan Raklyat (PR). It has its own team of political parties running parallel to the present Barisan Nasional (BN) team. The formation of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in a way has broken the monopoly of Barisan Nasional (BN).   

Similar function but different approach:
Both had declared the same objectives. They swore to up-hold the Constitution of the country and to serve the people. But each has his own interpretation the Constitution and in the approach in governing the country.

PR had category promised that if they win in the coming 13th General Election and form the government of the day they will listen to the people rather than forcing the people to listen to them. That means it will be the people’s government. They will set out to amend all the existing obsolete lop-sided laws, do away with government policies that seem unfair to certain quarters and will have a fairer implementation of all the government policies.

They will ensure that bribery and corruption are kept to the minimum. They will reduce unreasonable road-tolls fees, reduce taxes on food staffs and revive the sagging economy of the country by attracting more foreign investments. Every act will be done with a national outlook rather than a narrow racial outlook.

Such declaration of fair play appears attainable. Thus, these hanging carrots have an impact on the people especially the Malaysian Chinese.   

Doubtful of peaceful change:
We must not forget, for years certain politicians with racial extremist mentality have been sowing seed of hate and suspicion among the people to pitch them against one another. This method was often used by unscrupulous politicians to remain in power to reap whatever benefits for themselves and for their cronies. Will they meekly and peacefully surrender their power to the winner if they are defeated in the coming General Election? Should such unhappy situation arises, what will the winner do about it?

Current feeling of the people:
Current feeling of the people is running high as the13th. General Election is fast approaching. Those without political connections feel they have been unfairly treated by those who hold political power. They feel so disgusted with the unfair treatment and they now just want a change. With that obsession in mind, anything that displeases will be escalated to the stage of victimization. If the feeling of the people is not handled properly I fear security problem may arise.

What is our Option?

Self help:
All these years we have been relying on the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) to look after our interest. Past leaders had performed well. They had looked after our interest.
They were partners to the decision and policies making of the government.

Present leaders, I am sad to say, have failed us. They are unable to look after our interest anymore. They are no more in the decision and policies making of the government. Their function in the government is reduced to merely to carry out instructions that are dished out to them by others in the government.

In the coming 13th.General Election it is predicted by analysts that MCA will perform badly. MCA political strength may be decimated.

In the mean time, what must we do?
I believe we have to consolidate ourselves and with the help of others to develop a Third Force. This is for our survival.

What is the Third Force?
I define it as an INDEPENDENT group, which block-vote when added to the vote of any contesting group will determine the favorable out-come of an election.

Who are considered as the Third Force?
They are (1) Silent- voters,
               (2) Fence- sitters,
               (3) Those have no political leaning and
               (4) Those have a strong sense of justice.

How to go about getting their support?
     (A)Develop their political consciousness through
(i)                 forums,
(ii)               dialogs,
(iii)             group discussions and
(iv)             seminars,

(B)Keep them informed by the use of
(i)                 Internet and
(ii)               by the mass media            

We must realize that living in a multi-racial, multi-religious society we have to adopt a right thinking and right attitude towards others in order to live peacefully and harmoniously.

At the same time as citizens of the country we must have the guts to demand what is due to us and to see we are fairly treated by the government.

To our own kind,
(i)                 we must not sell them out just for self-interest and benefit.
(ii)               we must not condemn and sabotage just because he can perform better than you.
(iii)             we must learn to appreciate and support those who are sincere and capable to lead.

We need those who have the sense of moral and justice and have braveness to speak up. We need them to take the lead to consolidate the latent formidable Third Force.

While we still need to give support to any political party that we believe can look after our interest yet I believe to be able to weld a Third Force is our greatest asset. It will be our long term hope for the future.  

Dr. Chan


Suggestion To Revival Of MCA Image

Revival of MCA image.

I have been asked by many who are members as well a non- members of
the MCA as to what will be the future of the MCA party.

I am sure you have heard from nine out of ten Chinese whether young or
old had opined the MCA is now irrelevant to the Chinese community
although MCA had done a lot for the Chinese. Only those either through
fear of up heaven of the country or are still reaping some personal
benefits from or through the MCA said otherwise.

I have observed the leadership from the MCA so far had not done
anything worth mentioning or had revealed any reasonable plan which
the Chinese believe can rely on to bring back hope for the future. Sad
to say, even some leaders had appeared to have lost hope of the
ability of the party to gain back the confidence and support of the
Chinese community.

A few days ago the President even cautioned publicly that if the party
is still disunited the party would be finished. This was a very strong
message. But unfortunately he did not mention what were the causes
that led to the disunity nor offered his plan to its improvement.

What would be the ultimate result to the party (whether united or
disunited) after the result of the coming 13th.general election?
What, if the result of the 13th. General election turns out to be
unfavorable? Will the President willing to carry out the threat of
withdrawing all representatives to the government machineries? Mind
you this will tantamount to withdrawing from the BN. Will UMNO allows
that? Or unless UMNO pushes on its plan of direct entry into BN this
will be the opportunity to UMNO to chuck MCA away.

I do not wish to dwell into the long story which leads the party to
this sad situation. Since I have been asked to give my view and
suggestions as to how the party to survive and to regain the
confidence and support of the people I think it is fair for me to do
so as a life member of the party. My suggestions may be foods for

(a) Third Force shall be the role of the party:

The MCA party should from now look into the possibility of playing the
role of the Third Force. Reason being our Chinese population is
dwindling. If it is reduced to merely 27% of the population in years
to come what hope for the Chinese to survive unless the Chinese is
molded into as the Third Force.
The political scenario is changing fast. Sooner or later the 2 Party
System will emerge and we have to fit into this new system. With the 2
Party System the threat of racial conflict will eventually non-exist.

(b) Factors that may improve the image of MCA party

     (i) The MCA party must be free and independent.

(ii)To the Party:
    Restructure the Party voting system:
    Do away with the faulty delegate system of election of party leaders.
    Replace it by direct member voting.
    Keep appointment to party position at a minimum.
    Rejuvenate party with young capable sincere intellectuals to take the
    Do away with dead woods.

(iii)To the Chinese community:
Party leaders and members are to be educated to understand their
duties towards the public. They should try

(a)     To create opportunities for the people to earn a proper living. To
assist business and employment free from harassment from any quarters.
(b)     To create opportunities for a good affordable education for the
people and their children. To ensure their certificates are
recognizable by the government.
(c)     To create a save and harmonious living environment.

(d)     To make the public to understand the role of the MCA party.

The above are a few suggestions that may help to revive the MCA party.

Dr. Chan